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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

 1461 Dinners - Nights 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Volleyball Tourney Weekend took up nights 11 and 12. Dinners on the road after two absolutely win-less slogs with a sad teenager are not the most memorable. We did try to make things a little fun by stopping at Krispy Kreme (with the hot light on) and requesting the glazed donuts that were being made. Then when we got to the car we realized they gave us cold donuts. 

Like. THE LIGHT WAS ON, we asked for GLAZED. What's the issue?

Photo courtesy of Hoosier2 from TripAdvisor, who has an extensive collection of photos from every restaurant they have ever visited, apparently.

Anyhow, night 13 was a little crazy, the kid had 3 different rehearsals/practices to attend in one night. I needed to make a FAST dinner, so I took some leftover Chinese food rice from lunch one day and leftover rice and zucchini from the chicken and rice I made the other day. I sauteed chopped onion in oil with salt and pepper and then added some chopped chicken cutlets to the pan and seasoned them with a seasoning blend. I then added my leftover rices and a can of black beans. As this all heated together I added some homemade chicken broth I made the other night, just to rehydrate the rice a bit and make everything come together. Does everyone cook like this? Just emptying the refrigerator and hoping for the best?

This is the seasoning blend I've been using lately.

Night 14 I made meatloaf and I was super proud of myself for using some leftover marinara with sausage where I would normally add ketchup and stuff. It wasn't enough sauce for another serving of pasta, but it worked a treat at flavoring the loaf, along with the above spice blend and some Italian herbs. The kids and the husband ate it all up. I served it with homemade mashed potatoes, and steamed green beans. 

On night 15 we ordered food from Jason's Deli, because we had a sick kid. I've been taking care of her and ignoring my work so I needed to get caught up tonight. I try REALLY hard to have all my work done by EOD on Wednesdays so I can use the rest of the week for anything that pops up unexpectedly. And in social media management, something always pops up. 

1446 dinners left.


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